Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lawyer: Death of Anwar Awkward

Lawyer Irfan judge Fahmi no impropriety in his client 's death , Anwar ( 27 th ) , in the toilet unit Protection of Women and Children ( PPA ) Metro Jaya Police Headquarters , Jakarta , Saturday ( 04/26/2014 ) .

According to him , one of the peculiarities that police said the suspects Anwar sodomy student Jakarta International School ( JIS ) died after drinking cleaning fluid on the floor in the toilet during the day .
In fact , in the afternoon , the police publish a press conference about the five actors sodomy Anwar and without any name on it .
( Read: jual lovebird )

" Well it is . I also regret . Why can ? " said Fahmi Fahmi bodies as they came into the middle of an autopsy at the Police Hospital , Kramat Jati , East Jakarta , Sunday ( 27/04/2014 ) morning .

Reported, on Saturday around 15:00 pm , Head of Public Relations and Director of the Police Commissioner Rikwanto Reskrimum Jakarta Police , Sr. Heru Pranoto held a press conference to the media at the office Ditreskrimum , with displays and explains the role of the five suspects sodomy JIS students .

Fifth suspect it is Agun Iskandar aka AG ( 25 ) , aka Cloud Virgiawan , Syahrial aka SY ( 20 ) , alias Zaenal ZA ( 25 ) and Afrischa Setyani aka AF ( 24 ) . In addition , the regional police claimed there was one other actor who still do pursuit .

Fahmi told, Anwar was initially limited to the witnesses of the case . And only on Saturday morning , the family received a letter from Anwar arrest Jakarta Police .

Furthermore , Anwar was brought to the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters for questioning . Fahmi came Units PPA Metro Jaya Police Headquarters at about 12.00 pm . However , PPA officers delivered amid Anwar brought another officer , but it is unclear goals carried. " The officer told me to ' Just wait .' PPA I'll wait , " he said .

In the PPA room , Fahmi said she saw the Ditreskrimum held a press conference to present the five suspects . Because thought the press conference last long , Fahmi left PPA Unit .

Even so , Fahmi Anwar contacting relatives and family to help make sure there is or is not Anwar in the five suspects were published in a number of television .

From them new Fahmi Anwar not know if any of the five suspects who published the Ditreskrimum it .

" From my relatives were given out , ' Bang , there was no Anwar ' . Because they are memorized Anwar characteristics , they can be identified even though he wears , " said Fahmi .

After watching the news about the press conference that the five suspects , even more Fahmi Anwar not sure if any of the five suspects by the police at the time indicated .

" In fact , I count that five people , there is no Anwar . Fact it should have been done when Anwar arrest of the six suspects , " he said .

After that , Fahmi returned to Jakarta Police Unit PPA in order to find out where Anwar . Of an investigator , Fahmi told if his client had been taken to the Police Hospital , Kramat Jati . However , the next few hours it Fahmi notified that his client had died .

" At five o'clock I returned to the PPA , the investigator was told that I met Anwar at the Police Hospital , he was dead , " he said .


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